A Badge I’ve created for my brand is: Computer Programming Complete 4 out of the following clauses: Learn what a computer program is Learn/research 5 different programming languages and list the benefits of each and what application it would be suitable for Program Hello World in a language of your choice. Program 4 different programs,…
Tag: Write Everyday
RBC – My Brand – Design a badge: Electronics
A Badge I’ve created for my brand is: Electronics Complete 4 out of the following clauses: Learn Ohm’s Law Using the Pico Pirate Kit:https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/pico-intro-kit complete the introduction to Pico pathway here https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/pathways/pico-intro Learn to Solder and solder a kit Design a basic circuit (Try to include a button and an LED as a minimum) Find…
Makevember documenting pause
Very busy making things for work, can’t share yet, but will when I can. There has definitely been lots of making though! However due to trying to finish work projects there is going to be a pause in makevember articles. I’ll continue to write everyday on posts, or by adding to posts.
RBC – Adulting – In progress 4/6
Completed: Car, top of windscreen washer fluid, checked tyre depth and pressure. MOT, service, tax and insurance all up to date. Do the washing-up every night, some night I’m out, but ensure they are done, and do them if not yet done. Have done this much longer than a week! Do laundry In the summer,…
RBC – Linguist – In Progress 5/7
Clause 1: Italian Clause 2: Practiced daily for 90 days, atleast 10mins every day, 86 day streak Clause 3: Downloaded Duolingo Clause 4: Spoke basic Italian (mainly pleasantries, or asking simple questions) whilst in Italy. Clause 5: To be completed, not sure I can find a basic enough book! Clause 6: Home cooked pizza, lasagna,…
RBC – Animal Lover – In progress 3/5
Take responsibility for caring for the rabbits. Give them their food, arrange all vets appointments & take them for checkups, jabs etc. Order their food; pellets & hay. (Clause 1) Have a large majority of bee friendly plants in the flowerbed in the garden. (Clause 7) Rabbits got stressed when handled, so we got them…
RBC – Writer – In progress
A Blog, your reading it, still to continue for another 5 months regularly (but not quite as regularly as I’m doing for November!)
RBC – Craft – In Progress 1/5
Origami:See post Makevember 1 & 2
RBC – Photographer – In Progress 2/4
Photography Course: Wildlife Photography Workshop at Gweal an Mor on the 11th of September 2022, 10 until 5. We covered Wildlife photography and landscapes. Learn how to develop your own photos:No longer have the equipment, but did this in As-level Photography at Truro College in 2006 to 2007
RBC – World Traveller – Complete
Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6All details recorded in journel, but cooking, travel and language clauses all based on my trip to Italy 5th to the 10th of October for Maker Faire Rome.